Why Grammar Snobbery Has No Place In The Movement

“Ghanaian blogger Delalorm Semabia, in a conversation about the eradication of “the Queen’s English” in Ghana, explained, “The idea that intelligence is linked to English pronunciation is a legacy from colonial thinking.”

And this is precisely where we need to start this conversation.”

Great list. Find the entire list HERE including links and examples

Mad Men: Inside the Men’s Rights Movement—and the Army of Misogynists and Trolls It Spawned

TW; Violence, Misogyny

” I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open-handed pop on the face to get them to settle down,” he wrote on his website. “I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall till the smugness of beating on someone because you know they won’t fight back drains from their nose with a few million red corpuscles. And then make them clean up the mess.”

Elam says the post was a satirical retort to the feminist blog Jezebel, which had made light of women hitting their boyfriends. He also maintains that A Voice for Men deploys over-the-top language and tactics because it’s the only way to overcome public indifference and draw attention to the urgent problems facing men.”

A lengthy but very important read about the history of the heads of the MRA  movement. Catch the entire piece in full HERE

Gaslighting (an introduction)

“We are supposed to be the caretakers of everyone else’s emotions. So when someone gaslights a woman, it’s a very effective means of silencing her. She looks to herself to see how she can improve, because the thought of upsetting someone she loves is distressing.”

Full piece with examples HERE

Mountie Arrests Woman Then Releases Her Into His Own Custody

Couldn’t have said it better myself;

“How is taking a Aboriginal woman who is intoxicated to your home after arresting her as a RCMP officer the start of a “relationship”? Not only is the act horrifying, but the reporting on this shows such a lack of understanding of rape culture – where is the conversation of consent? of power? Come on CBC do better.” – Farrah Khan

Full piece HERE 

The 8 Biggest Misconceptions About Infertility

” It’s hard to be the friend of an infertile, but you are not the victim. It’s really not about you, so don’t make it that way. Infertiles are trying desperately to live in a fertile world, and it can be hard even to get out of bed each day. Those going through infertility treatments experience similar rates of depression as those being treated for cancer. In most cases infertility is not life-threatening, but it sure as hell affects your quality of life.
I promise you, these people have thought more than most about what it means to become a parent. A child conceived through infertility treatments is appreciated and loved just as much as, if not more than, a child conceived any other way.”

These are some great suggestions. Hubby and I are just now slowly making our struggle public and this would be helpful with a lot of the of the cuff advise we get from friends and family (and strangers) that just want to help.
Anyone else having this issue? Any suggestions for coping?

Full list HERE

Student Suspended for Speaking Native Language at School

What damn year is this?!?
Maybe if the public were educated as to the horrors of the Nationally imposed residential schooling system it would be clear just how incredibly HORRIFIC this particular micro-aggression is.
Children were routinely beaten and punished in other ways for speaking their own language in these schools (also referred to sometimes as boarding schools). The desired result was almost achieved, in stripping our people of their beautiful and varied mother tongues. The disconnect around language is still incredibly real and felt in Native communities across turtle island.
So in 2014 for this to be going on and for the response from the general public not to be IMMEDIATE OUTRAGE is maddening!!! The government should be obligated to provide instruction to rebuild our native language speakers to work towards repairing the damage they have intentionally inflicted on Native communities.

“When Miranda was teaching a classmate to say “posoh” and “ketapanen” on January 19, her teacher scolded her.
Native News Network reported her saying “You are not to speak like that! How do I know you’re not saying something bad? How would you like it if I spoke in Polish and you didn’t understand?”
The words Miranda was chastised for translate to “hello” and “I love you” in Menominee.”

Read the full story HERE, and feel free to contact this school and let them know what’s up.

Why Your Intentions Don’t Really Matter, But Outcomes Do

This is wonderful. Intent IS NOT THE SAME as effect!

“What’s even more important is that outcomes happen externally.  It doesn’t matter if you didn’t mean to hit that bunny with your car, you did.  You were a well-intentioned driver and now you have a dead bunny.  What are you going to do about it?  You can try to adjust your driving (pay more attention, drive slower, etc.), or you can blame the bunny (shouldn’t’ve been there).  In either case, it happened, regardless of your intentions, and now you get to choose how to move on.”

I highly recommend checking out the entire piece by Samuel Killermann HERE in full!