Mad Men: Inside the Men’s Rights Movement—and the Army of Misogynists and Trolls It Spawned

TW; Violence, Misogyny

” I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open-handed pop on the face to get them to settle down,” he wrote on his website. “I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall till the smugness of beating on someone because you know they won’t fight back drains from their nose with a few million red corpuscles. And then make them clean up the mess.”

Elam says the post was a satirical retort to the feminist blog Jezebel, which had made light of women hitting their boyfriends. He also maintains that A Voice for Men deploys over-the-top language and tactics because it’s the only way to overcome public indifference and draw attention to the urgent problems facing men.”

A lengthy but very important read about the history of the heads of the MRA  movement. Catch the entire piece in full HERE

Winnipeg – Where Canada’s Racism Problem May Be At It’s Worst

“For decades, the friendly Prairie city has been known for its smiling, lefty premiers, pacifist, Mennonite writers and a love affair with the Jets. Licence plates here bear the tag “Friendly Manitoba.” But events of last fall served to expose a darker reality. The Manitoba capital is deeply divided along ethnic lines. It manifestly does not provide equal opportunity for Aboriginals. And it is quickly becoming known for the subhuman treatment of its First Nations citizens, who suffer daily indignities and appalling violence. Winnipeg is arguably becoming Canada’s most racist city.”

Full piece with links HERE

Why The Penalty Should Be Harsh In The Dalhousie Dentistry Case

“If these men had posted these comments mere months from now, their professional bodies would be dealing with them. (According to the Canadian dentistry code of ethics, adopted by provinces, a dentist shall represent himself or herself in a manner that contributes to the public’s trust and confidence in the profession.) When they chose a career with big responsibility, they accepted being held to a high standard of behaviour.”

Absolutely. Some great points made HERE

Gaslighting (an introduction)

“We are supposed to be the caretakers of everyone else’s emotions. So when someone gaslights a woman, it’s a very effective means of silencing her. She looks to herself to see how she can improve, because the thought of upsetting someone she loves is distressing.”

Full piece with examples HERE

Mountie Arrests Woman Then Releases Her Into His Own Custody

Couldn’t have said it better myself;

“How is taking a Aboriginal woman who is intoxicated to your home after arresting her as a RCMP officer the start of a “relationship”? Not only is the act horrifying, but the reporting on this shows such a lack of understanding of rape culture – where is the conversation of consent? of power? Come on CBC do better.” – Farrah Khan

Full piece HERE 

I Wasn’t a ‘Credible Witness’ To My Own Rape

TW: sexual assault, victim grooming, child molestation

One woman’s experience of coming forward.

“Shit like that probably isn’t an accident. A serial rapist isn’t going to target an upstanding citizen, somebody difficult to manipulate. Like a lion targeting a lagging gazelle, a serial rapist grooms its prey and selects someone who isn’t going to be credible. They go for the person you would want to second-guess.

Serial attackers often choose people who they think people won’t care about or believe, people with drug problems or those who may seem a bit crazy.”

I recommend checking out the entire piece HERE

Social Experiment Reveals How People React When Domestic Violence Happens in Public

Only one person says or does ANYTHING. Not surprising. Still ever disturbing.

TW for the video for scenes of physical violence, verbal abuse and bistander inaction.

“Ydhage and the group say they spoke with most of the people who rode the elevator. “Most of them said they felt ashamed of themselves for not reacting and said they were glad it was an experiment,” he told The Independent. “Some people claimed they were going to call the police, but we think that that is lie. We filmed it over two days and the police never showed up once.” ”

The video and full story can be found HERE

Wab Kinew Replaces Jian Ghomeshi on ‘Canada Reads’

Another great announcement out of the CBC today! I’ll take as much Wab Kinew as I can, thanks! ❤

“I think it’s an awesome show and the rationale for wanting to host it is the same,” he said. “It’s something I think is uniquely Canadian, that we actually have a reality show about books and we can have a show that’s a one-time celebration of literature but on another level is a forum to have some pretty deep conversations about big societal issues.”

LOVE that he’s using his platform to bring attention to the issue of VAW in the wake of such horrendous news. Right on! Be sure to nominate some of your favorites for ‘Canada Reads’


A powerful hash tag that has come out of all the victim blaming that has been circulating around recent accusations of sexual assault against Joan Ghomeshi.
Huffington Post dedicated their entire home page to sharing these stories and making sure they’re highlighted because this is a VERY important issue! So happy to see a major news outlet giving our voices a platform!

Check some out HERE